Do PJM rhododendrons lose their leaves?

Publish date: 2024-07-23

Leaves Of Pjm Rhododendron – Knowledgebase Question. The foliage will naturally turn red in fall in this group of rhododendrons, but it is an evergreen meaning the leaves should stay on all winter. They may also naturally lose some leaves at the base as they grow.Click to see full answer. Also to know is, do rhododendrons lose their leaves?Normal: While we think of rhododendrons as evergreen, they do drop leaves just as conifers periodically shed needles. Some rhododendrons hold their leaves for a season, dropping the older leaves in spring, fall or both seasons. Other varieties can hold their leaves for three or even four seasons.One may also ask, will rhododendron leaves grow back? Can I expect the leaves to grow back, or should I replace these shrubs? Answer: Chances are good that your rhododendrons will recover. Make sure that they are not further stressed by abnormally dry conditions; provide them supplemental water during dry spells. Remove it in spring before the shrubs begin to bloom. Also to know is, do rhododendrons lose their leaves in the winter time? All Rhododendrons are evergreen which means that they will hold leaves all winter long. Most Azaleas on the other hand (under the same Genus of Rhododendron) will lose their leaves at the end of the season.Is PJM an rhododendron evergreen?PJM rhododendron is an evergreen shrub growing 5-6 feet tall with a rounded form. The leaves are 3 inches long, smooth green in the summer and purple tinged to bronze in the winter. PJM is functionally sterile, so it never sets seeds but instead spends its energy reserves producing flowers.
